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Paroles de femmes & Cuisine italienne
Parole di donne & Cucina italiana

Recueil d’expériences de vie et de recettes de Québécoises d’origine italienne.

Paroles de femmes et Cuisine italienne | Parole di donne e Cucina italiana

Book Launch and Screening of Video “Paroles di Donne e Cucina Italiana”

produced by Lucy Felicissimo and FPI team


Sunday December 15th, 2013 at 2 pm

Amphitheater Le Groupe Maurice located in the Research Center of the Institute of Geriatrics of the University of Montreal
4565, Queen-Mary Road, Montreal.

le site

Meeting Planning Veteran Partners with PR Professional

Our past client and good friend Denis Chagnon, for many years the spokesperson of the  International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) acted as MC together with Victoria Pickering, one of Montreal’s top public relations professionals and guided delegates through this magic afternoon.

Twenty women who came to Canada from Italy in the 50s, 60 and 70s were interviewed and contributed a recipe that had special memories for them.
The interviews covered the challenges they faced in their new lives and the values they tried to instill in their children, while keeping the important aspects of their Italian culture.

The 30 minute video presents a historical perspective of the socioeconomic development of these twenty ladies who worked in different areas (textile industry, small businesses, education, community and health and social services).


Our gracious sponsor Mirella Saputo came to the launch despite the inclement weather and presented four of the awards to the ladies.  Other awards were presented by McGill University Provost Anthony C. Masi, Italian Consul General M. Enrico Padulo and Professor Emeritus (Université de Montréal) Dr. Gloria Jeliu.


Media coverage surpassed all our expectations!  All 20 women were featured in the local Italian paper (Corriere Italiano) in bi-weekly articles which lauded the achievements of each one and gave them the prominence they deserved in their community.  Casa d’Italia also honored the 20 women in their March 8th 2014 International Womens Day celebration.


All in all, a great success and a labour of love!

For more information:
Victoria Pickering
T: 514-874-1998

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