from David Lowther, Chairman of recent Compumag 2015 Conference (June 28 to July 2, 2015)
Dear Lucy, Thank you and your team for all the work you put into Compumag.
"It worked extremely well! We had nothing (almost) but positive comments from the attendees – I think everyone really enjoyed it. The technical side went well and the work presented was great; the lunches worked really well despite the rain on a couple of days; the fete was more than we expected..
Even the coffee breaks worked out so well despite the challenging logistics … Overall, it went really smoothly. You all deserve a break now!"
"… One thing that is almost immediately apparent is that this congress is phenomenally well-organized. Everyone is still dazzled by the technology and the smoothness of the organization."
The New York Times, Florence AIDS Conference organized by F&A.
"… superb work in the organization of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology… a fantastic success, largely as a result of the efforts of you and your dedicated, talented, and hard-working team… an 'over the top' event… universally appreciated and unforgettable experience."
Professor Nicholas H. Acheson, Microbiology & Immunology, McGill
"… Based on my experience with your organization, I can highly recommend your "conference-planning services to any other medical, scientific, or business organizations who are contemplating small or large conferences."
Professor Nicholas H. Acheson, McGill University, Local chair, 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology
"… The Felicissimo staff are extremely easy to get along with yet while being friendly and easy going, manage to run everything as though it was a Swiss clock…."
Arthur Ammann, President Global Strategies for the Prevention of HIV from Mother to Infant.
"… The Conference we just went to just didn't have the Felicissimo touch."
Arthur Ammann, President Global Strategies for the Prevention of HIV from Mother to Infant.
"… I truly believe that the success of this conference was due, in great part, to your hard work, experience and conference planning savvy. I have heard nothing but rave reviews on the professionalism, efficiency and attention to detail of the F&A team…"
Jennifer Attonito, Director, National HIV/AIDS Update Conference, American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR)
"… The professionalism with which you and your staff handled every situation was extraordinary. I'm grateful to you, and to them, for all their hard work… I am now certain that choosing to work with Felicissimo and Associates was the right decision…"
Kevin Frost, Chief Executive Officer, American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR)
"… I want to thank you for your constant efforts in regard to organization of the series of International AIDS Conferences during the past decade…I know that the International AIDS community can continue to count on you in regard to both consulting opportunities and your direct hands-on expertise in the organization of future meetings in this series."
Professor Mark A. Wainberg, Director of the McGill University HIV/AIDS Centre Director of AIDS Research, Jewish General Hospital
"… Hard work, dedication, passion, courage, discipline, enthusiasm, good humor, love and determination are only a few of the qualities…"
Professor Michel G. Bergeron, Professor and Chairman of the Division of Microbiology of the Infectious Diseases Research Centre of Laval University, Chairman, International Congress of Chemotherapy, Montreal
"… Lucy manages to run everything as though it was a Swiss clock, unbelievably well-organized… able to anticipate problems and nip them in the bud… virtually the 'the best meeting bar none that I have ever attended."
Professor Lionel Mandell, Division of Infectious Disease, McMaster University
"… I have worked with the Felicissimo team from 1995 to 2009 for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd International Conferences on Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) held in Canada as well as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd International Conferences on Bloom Stream Infections (BSI) in Italy, Spain, and Switzerland and am pleased to recommend Lucy."
Professor Kurt G. Naber, Past-President of the International Society of Chemotherapy
"… chaque détail a été pris en charge et nous avons reçu des compliments de chaque délégué au sujet de la qualité du service…vous ne serez pas déçu si vous les embaucher."
Professeur Jean-Claude Pechere, Université de Genève, Président International Society of Chemotherapy
"… tout le monde m'a fait des commentaries excessivement élogieux, incluant les members du Board…. 11th International Congress on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy."
Professor Ernesto Schiffrin, Jewish General Hospital's Physician-in-Chief and Director of the Cardiovascular Prevention Centre.
"… Please be sure to begin making your plans to help us with the ISE Australia meeting, as it won't go smoothly without you!"
Professor Dame Lesley Rees, past Secretary General of the International Society of Endocrinology
"… congratulations to you and your team for the excellent quality of the history exhibit of the ISE in Lisbon…. Very informative and attractive review of the past ISE Congresses."
Professor Fernand Labrie, Research Director of the CHUL Research Center, Laval University
"… the ISE is very grateful to you… innumerable compliments on the efficiency ad excellent way that you organize the meetings and I know full well that this is the major reason for the success of the ISE all these years."
Professor Luciano Martini, Diettore Istituto di Endocrinologia, Universita' di Milano, Italy
"… You have embodied the ISE Society (International Society of Endocrinology, for so many years – its soul and collective memory are all in your purview… "
Dr. Shlomo Melmed, Director of the Research Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, California,
"… the strength of the International Society of Endocrinology (ISE) is iin no small part due to your hard industry over the last thirty years, we all owe you a great deal of gratitude."
Dr. Paul M. Stewart, Paul M Stewart - Section Head, Division of Medical Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
"… Les évènements scientifiques et sociaux se sont déroulés de façon exemplaire et nous n'avons reçu des félicitations pour la qualité de l'organisation de ce congrès. Nous avons aussi beaucoup apprécié vos efforts constants afin de maintenir les objectifs budgetaires et apprécie la rigueur des comptes-rendus et bilans financiers… International Society for Telemedicine & The Canadian Society of Telehealth."
Professor André Lacroix, Head of the Laboratory of Endocrine Pathophysiology at CHUM's Research Centre
Obstetrics and Gynecology
"… il m'est difficile de résumer adéquatement la pression intense generée dans l'organisation du Congrès IFFS… sur une période de six ans (1998-2004). Lucy a travaillée sur les projets de façon exemplaire et dans des conditions difficiles…. un profit substantial pour la Société grâce à sa bonne performance dans la gérance des congrès… toute confiance de ses qualities et spécialement sa crédibilité et son honêteté… aucun doute qu'elle est une sommité mondiale en tant qu'organisatrice de conferences professionnelles."
Professeur Serge Bélisle, Département d'obstétrique et gynécologie, Hôpital Saint-Luc de CHUM, past president of the International Fertility and Sterility (IFFS)
"… I've got your post-conference reports open before me as we speak. In terms of presentation: EXCELLENT! In fact, I don't think I've seen finer!"
Alain R. Nolet, Project Officer, Conference Secretariat, Canadian International Development Agency, Montreal
"… After months of searching for someone who can meet our needs, we chose F+A due to their experience and professionalism. F&A has my unqualified professional endorsement and we are certain you will be pleased to hire them for your events."
Seang Lin Tan, Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Chief, McGill University Health Centre
"… Dr. Tan and I really appreciate all the hard work you and your team put into organizing the ISGE Congress."
Dr. Togas Tulandi, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at McGill.
Sleep Disorders
"… The Congress was a great success as a result of which $100,000 was donated to the Foundation of the Sacré Coeur Hospital."
Professor Jacques Montplaisir, Psychiatry and Neuroscience at the Université de Montréal and Director of the Sleep Disorders Center at the Sacré-Coeur Hospital of Montreal.
"… thanks for your outstanding contribution to the success of the Congrès annuel de la Société Francophone de Transplantation held in Quebec City.. thanks to you, everybody was very impressed including the pharmaceutical companies."
Dr. Pierre Daloze, chirurgien et directeur de l'unité de transplantation du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM)
"… this Congress was, in every respect, the best Transplantation Society Congress ever!"
Dr. Carl G. Groth, President Karolinska Institute, Sweden
"… We appreciate all the long hours, worries and foresight."
Ronald D. Guttmann, Congress co-chair and President XVII World Congress of The Transplantation Society, Inc., Montreal
"… sincerely thank you for all of your help… your over all expertise in financial planning, financial analysis… diligent leadership… our delegates were impressed as well and rated our event an overall success. We could not have done it without Felicissimo & Associates."
Doctors Joseph R. Leventhal, Jonathan P. Fryer, Surgery, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago
"… The Buenos Aires Congress was having great difficulty when Lucy agreed to assist us…. in relocating this Congress to Miami which ended up with a $1m positive balance for the Society. Similarly a $1m profit from the Montreal Congress. In comparison, other past Congresses of the Transplantation Society have resulted in financial losses, or a maximum of only $100,000 profit. San Francisco and Barcelona."
Professor Emeritus, Dr. Oscar Salvatierra, Surgery and Pediatrics, Transplantation
Advising Dean. Stanford University Medical Center , California
Professor Eduardo A. Santiago-Delphin, Professor of Surgery, University of Puerto Rico, Director Puerto Rico Transplant Program, Auxilio Mutuo Hospital
"… This has been one of the best experiences of team work I can recollect in my professional experience chairing international conferences. It is with the highest degree of enthusiasm that I support Felicissimo & Associates…"
Dr. Camillo Ricordi, Scientific Director and Chief Academic Officer, Diabetes Research Institute, Miami.
"… in recognition of your major contributions to the development of The Transplantation Society, TTS would like to present you with a TTS Medal on the occasion of the Society's 40th anniversary."
Kathryn Wood, President, The Transplantation Society
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
"… Testimony to the quality of the work of F&A is reflected in the positive comments received from exhibitors both during the exhibition and in a survey circulated later…."
Gene Griffiths, Chief, External Relations and Public Information Office, International Civil Aviation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Science Journalists
"…. An enormous success, one of the best such conferences and a hard act to follow are only a few of the qualifiers for your work."
Co-chairs Veronique Morin, Gilles Provost and Jean-Marc Fleury, 4th World Conference of Science Journalists, Montreal
World Energy
"…J'aurais vraiment apprécié travailler avec toi jusqu'au bout car je suis certaine que tu es une grande professionnelle."
Lise Pinsonneault, Conseillère Communications, Hydro Québec
"… Je desire vous faire part de notre grande satisfaction pour les services rendus par Felicissimo et Associés dans le cadre de l'organisation du Forum mondial sur la regulation de l'énergie. Vos conseils précieux, votre réseau de partenaires experts et la rigueur de votre gestion nous ont permis d'organiser un évènement de classe mondiale…"
Louis Bolullo, Directeur exécutif, World Forum on Energy Regulation